Precious metals have a fantastic ability to withstand financial crises and therefore have minimal fluctuations in their value. However, a small fluctuation in price can make a notable difference when making a large investment and it’s only natural to purchase at the best price. No matter the price of a product, even if it’s discounted or at a reduced rate, there will still be the question of “If I wait, could I get an even better deal?”
Bullion, specifically gold, does have an essence of seasonality to it with many factors affecting its value and therefore, price.
These are some of the factors which have an effect on gold:
Since 1975, March has been the best time to purchase gold as it is its worst performing month of the year.
Wedding season
The price of gold is typically high during the month of September, and this is undoubtedly due to wedding season, in particular Indian wedding season.
Indians currently buy over 30% of the world’s gold and with the gift of gold being a traditional wedding gift, it is no surprise that the majority of this is purchased as a present for the bride and groom on their special day, in the form of jewellery or coins.
June and July are typically great months to purchase gold! This is a direct result of summer holidays – consumers are generally consumed with the idea of booking a family vacation or planning weekends away and therefore don’t consider investments because their finances are focused elsewhere.
The economy
Many choose to invest their finances in gold bullion because of its ability to be almost unaffected by politics and the economy. Therefore, during times of political uncertainty the price of gold rises, compared to other forms of investment which typically drop.
Choosing to buy gold bullion will always be beneficial to your financial portfolio, but if you use the tips above, you’ll definitely be sure to get the best deal.
Buy gold during uncertain times
When looking to buy gold bullion, keep an eye on the market and set alerts for major news and announcements coming from the stock exchange, banks, Wall Street, governments etc. Negative economic and political messages regarding credit, currency, stocks, debt, property and unemployment can create unrest, with especially with more influential economies such as those of the US and China.
It is said when other investments such as property and stocks are underperforming, the price of gold and silver rise. It is believed many major investors and companies use gold as an insurance policy to cover these losses accumulated elsewhere. This often provides an ideal time to add more gold to your portfolio.
So, when is the best time to buy gold? We believe in simply buying gold when you can, monitor the market, purchase quantities that you feel comfortable with.